Agenda Carom Billiard


3-Cushion - Hanam (KOR)

LG U+ Cup 3-Cushion Masters


750, Misa-daero, Hanam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
South Korea

My Comments

umb kozoom as teenagers
I do not know if kozoom is the brother of the umb and wants to take care of the interests of this or if they want to boycott the Koreans, what I know is that I pay them month by month my membership to see these magnificent players play and Im not interested in your administrative or political problems. I pay to see what they offer me. If not, just say and i'll cancel my membership immediately and maybe all together could to file a claim for noncompliance because in the promotion of the event you still say that it is a live event and I haven't seen anything yet

Message 1/10 - Publish at September 8, 2019 4:08 AM

Ozgur Somuncu
Ozgur Somuncu
Due to there are no competitors
1-no applications
2-insufficient information (we don't know who will play with for tomorrow,how I will arrange my schedule)
3-sales and marketing very bad
4-this is happening because UMB and kozoom are brothers. Normally UMB give the jobs to kozoom and then waits for performans.

but I must thank to kozoom for writing our thoughts freely
Best regards

Message 2/10 - Publish at September 7, 2019 6:37 PM

I agree with these points.

First of all, I really enjoy having something like Kozoom, where we can follow all the events live for some years now, something we didn't have in the earlier years. However, we are in the information age now, and not being able to access some simple information gets annoying. A new article is just published now, it lists who plays who in the quarter finals, but doesn't give out time info. There are viewers from various time zones all over the world, who follow certain players and some of them will have to go to sleep not being able to plan their morning. Not sure if there is a logical reason for this on Kozoom's side, but again it is frustrating.

Publish at September 7, 2019 7:40 PM

It is obvious that kozoom will have to compensate for their inability to deliver what people are paying for.
3 cushion lovers have rearranged their personal schedule so as to follow the event live.
Not a disgrace yet, but on the way to becoming one.

Message 3/10 - Publish at September 6, 2019 9:19 PM - Edited at September 6, 2019 9:21 PM

Getting the shaft
Why are we not getting live feed????

Message 4/10 - Publish at September 6, 2019 7:22 PM

I have tried all three approaches suggested by Heidi, and for each I get "video not available. Private video." Yesterday I was able to get some live streaming. Not today.

Is there no hope for watching this tournament?

Message 5/10 - Publish at September 6, 2019 5:40 PM

what is this?...... I payed to see billiard in kozoom!

Message 6/10 - Publish at September 6, 2019 3:58 PM

Tks so much

Message 7/10 - Publish at September 6, 2019 11:47 AM

LG U+ Cup

Message 8/10 - Publish at September 6, 2019 10:46 AM - Edited at September 6, 2019 10:47 AM

All that does is give a written version of the games. I also am quite upset with Kozoom .

Publish at September 7, 2019 12:09 AM

Stavros Spanos
Stavros Spanos
What do you mean "cup banner"? I wasnt able to find a way to see tables the previous way. There no active link in this page...

Publish at September 6, 2019 3:52 PM

Why can’t we see the live hames & we pay! How come you guys are FREE streaming on YouTube also when we have to pay MONTHLY or YEARLY to have that privilege, does this have something to do with proving who is better, The UMB or PBA? since PBA streams for free, this is NOT fair because I pay and other people who don’t get the same privilege as me? I too as well will not renew my account, thank you kozoom, you guys DO NOT know how to care of your customers/people. I payed to see NOTHING.

Message 9/10 - Publish at September 6, 2019 7:56 AM

kozoom w@rks
Hello!!!! I'm starting immediatly!!!!!! You erased the live button, so we can't see scores, can't see next day's time matches, can't see ANYTHING !!!!!!! All the morning about 4 ours, we can't watch live streaming and some other guys told us to watch them from you tube!!!! Is it right for you? But... there is a but... When you log in... the reminder of payment for the next year, is in front of your eyes!!!! Very well. What do you think I'm going to do for the next year???? The decition is MINE!!!!!!!!

Message 10/10 - Publish at September 5, 2019 2:06 PM - Edited at September 5, 2019 2:13 PM

Well said
Well said, they truly don’t know how to take care of their customers, so why should we continue to pay for something in which the other person doesn’t complete their part.

Publish at September 6, 2019 7:58 AM

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