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Catarina Teixeira (21), a new star in referee land


Published by frits bakker

© © Harry van Nijlen/Kozoom
Catarina Teixeira at the Porto World Cup as a referee for her favourite player Dani Sánchez

PORTO - The 21 year old Portuguese student Catarina Teixeira is a striking presence in global billiards. She is one of the main referees at the World Cups and the World championship organized by FC Porto in the flamboyant port, especially when the TV cameras are focused on the billiards on the final days and Alipio Jorge, the stately tournament director, wants to guarantee for a perfect climax.

Then, in the final moments, Catarina Teixeira puts on her chic black suit, her white gloves and steps into the billiard arena without any hesitation as the chief referee, like two weeks ago for the final match at the World Cup between Dick Jaspers and Roland Forthomme.

The young Portuguese loves cinema, music, photography and drawing, but has a passion for billiard since her very young years. FC Porto has a great team with young players who participate in the World Cup organizations. Catarina Teixeira is mainly in the spotlights as a referee.

Kozoom spoke with her about her passion, her studies and her career.

Name: Catarina Teixeira
Home town: Porto
Age: 21
Study: Master in Landscape Architecture
Relationship: boyfriend
Billiard club: FC Porto

Frits Bakker/Kozoom: How does a young lady like you comes on in billiards, when was your first contact with this sport, where and at what age? And what attracted you to this sport?

Catarina Teixeira: ,,My first contact with billiards was during our vacations. I used to participate in tournaments with my father just for fun and people always said that I had the knack for that, so I decided to give it a try.''

FB/Kozoom: Have you done other sports in your very young years, do you have other hobbies? Tell us how your life looks like now? Lots of studying, play billiards, other sports? What is your favorite country for holiday and what is your favorite music?

CT: ,,I've tried different sports, but haven't practiced for too long. I took up swimming when I was a young girl, then I tried hockey and also basketball. My father plays golf and one time I tried to play it as well.''

,,I'm studying Landscape Architecture at the University of Porto and it is a very demanding course, so I don't have much time to play billiards as I would like to. After the classes, I tutor young people in different subjects (mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry) and with the money that I earn, I travel with my boyfriend. We've already visited lots of places. This summer we made a trip around Italy, visiting different cities from north to south. It's difficult to choose a favourite country for holidays, because I really love traveling. Besides that I also enjoy cinema, music, photography and drawing.''

FB/Kozoom: How long are you a member of the FC Porto billiard club? How big is this club?

CT: ,,I guess I am member since I was 13 years old. The club is well known worldwide, mostly because of the football team, but they have athletes in a lot of different sports. Regarding billiards, I am sure we have lots of fans and players, from different ages.''

FB/Kozoom: The recent World Cup was near to the FC Porto. Does the club play its matches there, or is the clubhouse in another location?

CT: ,,We are now moving to Estádio do Dragão. Before, our spot was in Avenida dos Aliados, which is a very famous avenue in the center of Porto.''

FB/Kozoom: Do you still play billiards fanatically? Which discipline and at what level?

CT: ,,Not really, because I don't have much time as I would like. But I hope, someday I will have time to start practicing more often and to become a better player.''

FB/Kozoom: What made you decide to become a referee, at what age. Which great tournaments have you done as a referee?

CT: ,,I started being a referee mainly when I was 18. The first great tournament that I refereed was the European championship in 2011. I was in the final there. And in the same year I refereed the World Cup, also the final match.''

FB/Kozoom: It's remarkable that in World Cups of FC Porto, there are many young referees and young people involved with the organization. What can you tell us about that young team in the club?

CT: ,,There are indeed a lot of young people in FC Porto who love playing three cushion billiards. The fact that the World Cups are here in our city gives us an incredible opportunity to see the best players in action. That's also a way to learn and see high level playing. So the chance of knowing them, makes us want to participate in the organization. Furthermore, without volunteers FC Porto wouldn't be able to organize World Cups. We like to join and make everything possible to make this happen here and make it a success.''

FB/Kozoom: You were the referee coordinator at the Matosinhos World Cup on a very young age. And now the referee in all major matches at the Porto World Cup. What does that mean to you? Are you one of the best in Portugal?

CT: ,,I'm really honored for being chosen to referee in such important matches, because that means the organization trusts me to give me that responsibility. I get a little nervous, mainly when the matches are televised as I don't want to make mistakes. I don't know if I'm the best in Portugal. I guess I'm good enough for being chosen.''

FB/Kozoom: Are there referees with a CEB or UMB badge in Portugal? Do you have a chance to make that promotion? And has FC Porto plans to organize more World Cups in the coming years?

CT: ,,All the Portuguese referees are amateurs. I don't know if we can make that promotion. But I guess FC Porto will continue organizing World Cups, because it seems to me that every time it is a success and the players feel comfortable playing here in Porto. At least, they always have kind words about us. We are helpful, nice and welcoming people.''

FB/Kozoom: Who is your favorite player in three cushion?

CT: ,,I have some favorite players that I really enjoy watching play. However, the one I maybe enjoy watching the most is Daniel Sanchez. He is an FC Porto player and everyone likes him. Not only because he is a friend, also because I like the way he plays and the amazing caroms he shows us.''

Many thanks, Catarina, for this wonderful interview and lots of success in your study and your billiard career.
