
Game Icon3-Cushion

Jaspers/Leppens team by far the best: 8-0


Published by frits bakker

© © Ton Smilde
Anno de Kleine scored a 17 for his Haarlo team that won against 't Hartje: 8-0

HAARLO - The most striking match in the Dutch league between HCR Prinsen and 't Hartje ended in a resounding victory for the home team from Haarlo. The foursome with Jaspers, Leppens, De Kleine and Swertz triumphed 8-0 and De Kleine was the star of the 13th round scoring a run of 17. The top actors were back from their foreign missions: Frédéric Caudron and Dick Jaspers shone with matches over 40 points in 15 and 16 innings. The Belgian showed his high speed: Caudron finished his match when all the other matches in this round were just half on the way. Johan Loncelle beat the PBA leader leader, Spaniard David Martinez, 40-36 in 25 and Dirk Weeremans cleverly forced Eddy Merckx to a draw: 40-40 in 26.

The two equalizers Merckx scored from the break, pulled the full win for SIS Schoonmaak over the finish line against the Zeeland team 's Lands Welvaren. Jean van Erp (SIS) previously lost to Ronny Brants 40-24 in 24. The victory kept the Hague leader one point ahead on HCR Prinsen. The numbers three and four, Dallinga and 't Hartje, are four points down after this playing round.

Raimond Burgman (in 24 innings against Francis Forton) and Martien van der Spoel (in 45 against Marcel Hopmans) opened with victories for the SIS leader. The runner-up HCR Prinsen was never threatened by 't Hartje. De Kleine beat Van de Ven 40-19 in 23 and Swertz beat Martens 40-25 in 37. After the break, Jaspers started 18-4 in 4 against Hofman and controlled the margin up to the finish: 40-18 in 16. Leppens was the fourth to gain the maximum score against Yasin: 40-30 in 27.

Dallinga faced a 4-0 deficit against Dekker half-time thanks to Tijssens and Bruijstens, who beat Van Acker (40-33 in 25) and Dallinga (40-35 in 45). Caudron (40-13 in 15 against Koorevaar) and De Bruijn (40-35 in 28 against Valentijn) tied the score. The Ivoor home team thanked the equal score against Bousema to Christiani and Therese Klompenhouwer ("an excellent form in the run-up to the European Championship," commented Therese), respectively winners over De Jaeger 40-22 in 21 and Schollink, 40-26 in 31. Johan Loncelle surprisingly beat David Martinez (40-36 in 25) and Frans van Schaik finished his short mission against Roofthooft.

The home derby in 'De Eekhoorn' was won 5-3 by 'the main team', despite the nice win Roland Uijtdewillegen recorded against Frans van Kuyk: 40-36 in 30. Eddy Willems and Kurt Ceulemans played a draw in 41 innings. Jose Maria Mas, substitute for Peter Ceulemans (bundesliga), won against Wijnen, Jerry Hermans against Joey de Kok 40-26 in 36.

The Brabant Zundert team won the away match against A1 Biljarts, among others thanks to Sam van Etten's victory over Addy Wienk (40-22 in 33) and the slightly better final of Roland Forthomme against Richard Bitalis, 40-37 in 27.


