Agenda Billard Français


3 Bandes - Incheon (KOR)

Incheon Metropolitan Mayor's Cup


[예선~32강] 인천 남구 주안1동 173-1 필프라자 4층 주안CC당구클럽 (173-1 PilPraza 4F, Ju An-Dong ,Nam-Gu, Incheon, KOREA ) [본선8강] 트라이볼공연장 예정 인천 연수구 인천타워대로 250 (Incheon tower-daero 250, Yeon Su-Gu, Incheon )
Corée du Sud

1) Name : 3rd Incheon Metropolitan Mayor's Open Cup
2) Period : [Preliminaries] 9~10th, August AM 9:00~
[Last 32] 11th, August PM 12:00~
[Last 8~Final] 12~13th, August
3) Place :
[Preliminary ~ Last 32]
CC Billiards Club, 173-1 PilPraza 4F, Ju An-Dong ,Nam-Gu, Incheon, KOREA

[Last 8] Tribowl Concert hall (Incheon tower-daero 250, Yeon Su-Gu, Incheon )

4) Host by : KBF
5) Promoted by : Incheon Billiard Federation, Gyeong-gi news
6) Sponsored by : Incheon Metropolitan city, Incheon Sports Council, Gyeong-gi news
, E*Trade Financial Corp, MIN Table, Hanbat Co.,LTD, Aramith, Univercial Korea, Korean Olympic Committee, Korea Sports Promotion Foundation
7) Qualification :Registered players of Korea Billiards Federation and amateur

8) Prize (all 23,000,000 Won, 4.4% tax)
- 1st : 10,000,000 Won
- 2nd : 5,000,000 Won
- 3rd : each 2,000,000Won
- 5th : each 1,000,000 Won

9) Rules : all match is tournament
[Preliminary] tournament - race to 30pts, equalize inning, penalty shot
[Last 128 ~ 64] tournament - race to 35pts, equalize inning, penalty shot
[Last 32 - Final] tournament - race to 40pts, 40sec, time out 1, equalize inning, penalty shot
10) Ball : Aramith
11) Dress : [pro players] black pants, black shoes, black socks, white or black shirt, vest & tie
[amateur] black pants, black shoes, black socks, white or black shirt
12) referee : The defeated will be the referees of the next matches.(till last 64)
From last 32 referee

13) seed : last 128 - 32 player
- KBF Ranking 1st ~ 26th (26 player) : 2014. August Rangking standard
- last year Won prize (2 player) : Jae-Ho CHO (Seoul), Jung-Han HEO (Gyeong-Nam)
- Incheon Billiards Federation seed (4 player)

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