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Frédéric Caudron sovereign again in Belgian cup


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© © Frits Bakker
Frédéric Caudron is kissed after his victory by his greatest fan Christine.

HOOGLEDE - Frédéric Caudron has won the Belgian Cup five years in a row and no one could threaten him in those five years. He defeated Eddy Merckx, his biggest rival, who won the national title this year, but had no chance in the final of the Cup. He was beaten 3-0 (2.368 average against 2.000). The sovereign winner in Hooglede shone with a face full of pride.

,,I only had one difficult moment in this tournament,'' he admitted in the euphoria of the victory. ,,When I was leading 2-0 against Eddy Leppens in the semi final, there was just a relapse, Eddy was very cool at that moment and could come back to 2-2. But then I could finish the match in a final set full of tension.''

In all the other matches Caudron played sovereign, also in the final against Eddy Merckx. With a run of seven he won the first set in five innings (15-10), the second 15-13 in six and after a 6-0 lead of Merckx he won the third, scoring a run of eight at the right moment.

The victory was the fifth in a row for Caudron, the seventh in total. Twice he beat Eddy Merckx in the final, once Jef Gijsels, once Eddy Leppens, once Peter de Backer, once Jef Philipoom and once Ronny Brants.

The Belgian cup has become the tournament where he feels at home, as he proved in the five years he won all finals. Therefore it seems no coincidence that he is in his best form precisely on the right moment. Caudron is playing already for weeks on his highest level, he was superior in the French finals for teams in his two matches against Dick Jaspers, plays very well in the Dutch and Belgian league and now again in the Belgium Cup.

,,I'm always careful, because a good shape can suddenly be gone'', he acknowledged. ,,But maybe I can indicate a cause now. I have the perfect shaft now, a wonderful cuetip, so I have a very good feeling again. It is often inexplicable, a strong period, but now I think my cue is playing a major role in it.''

Eddy Merckx met in the final the best man of the tournament this afternoon and couldn't win a set. But he could look back on a strong tournament as well. His peak was the match against Francis Forton, in which he seemed to be on the way to a world record over 45 caroms in the six first innings. ,,But strange things can happen in a match, because after the sixth inning, I suddenly had to fight for the win of the match.''

Eddy Leppens won the battle for third place against Ronny Brants this afternoon: 2-1. Roland Forthomme beat Francis Forton for the fifth place. Peter de Backer took the seventh place by beating Christophe Wyn.
